We have a rib steak (or a third of one--it's rich enough that what I had there was the perfect size), seasoned with worcheshire sauce, salt, and red pepper flakes and pan seared, served over blanched garlic scapes (tasty!). The salad is kale, snap peas, blueberries, and cherries in a basic vinaigrette. The reheated sourdough bread was mighty tasty. So, nothing too fancy, but certainly a nice change of pace for me. If I'm feeling ambitious tomorrow night, I may try the other pork chop with the cherries in some combination. Other than that, though, I won't be having dinner home again until Friday--if, that is, my plans hold up better than they did last week. (I have reason to be hopeful about this.) My other project of the night, relatedly, is going to be to make enough spaghetti (with more of the turkey sausage, kale, etc., in a sauce) to eat for lunch throughout the week, hopefully reducing my need to a.) think about this when I have so much else going on; and, b.) eat in the cafeteria at school, which is quite often a dismal crapshoot. (For some reason, they're really all about inappropriately heavy meals throughout the summer--think, like, pot roast when it's 95 degrees outside.) I really need to get a draft of the sublime thing done by Thursday (my personal deadline, since it's when The Poet's coming back--when I'm actually going to see him again, I don't know).
So much for food. Now for the miscellany.
I feel like I had a couple of small epiphanies yesterday. I received two phone calls in rapid succession late in the afternoon. After the first phone call, which was pleasant and relaxed, I hung up the phone with a smile on my face, feeling a little bit lighter all around. The second phone call was much more frustrating, seemingly at cross purposes, leaving much unresolved, and when it ended abruptly, my stomach hurt a little bit. One of these phone calls was from The Poet. The other was from K. And it did in fact occur to me that, if these are the two men I feel myself torn between at the moment, then I'm with the better one. What I said about The Poet when I first met him was that he didn't seem to have many issues, he was divided but not conflicted. K. is all conflict and contradiction, and it's been pulling me in. I need to figure out what to do about that. I had a later moment last night when I suddenly felt very protective of my life, thinking maybe this certain freedom isn't so bad all the time and maybe I only talk about exit strategies with The Poet for other people's benefit. The other side of this is just not having seen him for two weeks and not seeing him again for at least another week. I try not to make judgements about people when they're away.
The second epiphany had to do with "Hospital" and realizing how this crazy, weirdly repetitive play has an enormous amount to do with sort of grounding me each summer--it's comforting in its mix of strangeness and familiarity, and the end of the doctor sequence in last night's episode really brought that home to me.
After the play, I got drunk and....talked about my blog. Possibly a bad strategic move.
My internet continues to suck. Not only is it not fun to watch tv in 2-minute segments (about all I can get to buffer), everything is slow, and I've lost access completely a couple of times today. Stupid Verizon, but I don't really have the time to deal with that this week, either.
I'm a bit at loose ends for the writing I need to be doing. I'm not sure that reading De Man is making me less nervous, either.
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