
Crossing (another) bar

I passed my orals on Wednesday, with distinction. I'm happy, but still pretty exhausted. Lots of socializing that night, and an amazing time with The Poet last night and this morning. But people today told me I looked more relaxed, so perhaps not reading for my orals is agreeing with me.

I ran into The Professor in the Strand, which is funny for reasons I'm not going to write about here. This was good--I was able to make sure he wasn't mad at me.

The fears have lifted, at least for now. A lot's still up in the air about the summer, the fall, and all the rest, but the tired is just tired, not scared, not frustrated. I don't have to keep my arms wrapped so tightly around my body. And one of the really amazing things about the last few days--the last week and a half, even, was being reminded of friendships and people wanting to be my friend, and being able to be friends to people. Even if it's just a matter of some strategic Facebooking. It makes me feel less isolated, and though it doesn't keep all the demons and desires back, it makes a nice break occasionally. (Interlude: I worked in the library on Monday and walked past K there. I didn't talk to him, but I felt his presence in my entire body. It was the most vivid physical sensation I had all week.) Oh, and it was actually really cool that E. remembered my exam and emailed to check in on Thursday--I mean, I know he had to put it on some calendar, but even so--I'd only mentioned it in passing when we were emailing around his birthday.

I'm off to Wisconsin in the morning. I should really pack for that, but instead I'm trying to sort through several enormous piles of paper while watching Dirt online. I should probably also sleep. I'm trying to make this a real rest / vacation--while I do need to hit the ground running when I get home, I don't have anything that has to be done before the end of the month, so I'll let the ideas come slowly. I'm not even taking any theory with me--just the first volume of Richard Holmes' biography of Coleridge, a book on Zen practice that The Poet gave me, and the last two issues of the New York Review of Books. Okay, I may get jittery and throw in some Trollope. But, seriously--I'm not bringing anything crazy like de Man or Nancy. That's huge.

The other thing I will be doing--probably not so much when I'm in the woods, of course--is beginning to repair some of the relationships that got crushed under the juggernaut of reading and other stress. There are phone calls to return, Facebook messages to reply to, and hanging out to be done. Hopefully the summer will be good for that.

I'm also turning 28 tomorrow--well, in about 10 minutes, actually. I hope that being 28 is less stressful than being 27.

1 comment:

post-doc said...

Congratulations! And happy birthday - I hope your 28th is a wonderful year for you.